Amiga Magazin: Amiga-CD 1996 November & December
Amiga-CD 1996 #11-12.iso
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Text File
304 lines
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; $VER: LJ4Boost-Install 1.04 (19.06.95)
; Installer-Script for LJ4Boost V1.04
; Copyright © 1995 by Oliver Hitz
; TEXTS -------------------------------------------------------------------
(set #lj4b-install
(cat "\nLJ4Boost V1.04\n"
"Installer Script\n\n"
"© 1995 by Oliver Hitz\n\n"
"Click on >Continue< to proceed!\n"
(set #lj4b-install-help
(cat "This installer script installs the LJ4Boost Printer Driver Package V1.04\n\n")
(set #lj4b-icons
(cat "\nInstall what style of icons?")
(set #lj4b-icons-help
(cat "This option is for people that have installed MagicWB. Instead of copying MagicWB icons over the original icons, you may select MagicWB here, and a special set of icons, especially designed for LJ4Boost will be installed. NOTE: MagicWB is Copyright © 1992-1994 by Martin Huttenloher.")
(set #lj4b-driver
(cat "\nCopy the printer driver to DEVS:Printers?")
(set #lj4b-driver-help
(cat "The printer driver is the main program of this package. It is copied to the other printer drivers which are in the directory DEVS:Printers.\n")
(set #lj4b-prefs
(cat "\nCopy the preferences editor to SYS:Prefs?")
(set #lj4b-prefs-help
(cat "The preferences editor lets you take control over some special features that this package offers.\n")
(set #lj4b-prefscat
(cat "\nSelect which catalog files you would like to install.")
(set #lj4b-prefscat-help
(cat "Unfortunately there are only three languages available at the moment. But this will (hopefully) change in future versions.\n")
(set #lj4b-drawer
(cat "\nCreate a new drawer called LJ4Boost?\n"
"\n(for registration-program and documentation)")
(set #lj4b-drawer-help
(cat "If you select »Create«, a new drawer will be created. This is very useful, as it helps you to keep your system in order.")
(set #lj4b-doc
(cat "\nInstall the documentation?")
(set #lj4b-doc-help
(cat "Sometimes it is useful to have the documentation ready-to-use somewhere on the hard drive. The documentation is NOT needed by the program.")
(set #lj4b-register
(cat "\nThe LJ4Boost Printer Driver Package\n"
"is SHAREWARE. If you use it, you HAVE TO pay\n"
"for it.\n\n"
"Do you want to install the Registration-Utility?\n"
"(It is suggested you install it in the same\n"
"directory as the docs, because it can be started\n"
"from the documentation)."
(set #lj4b-register-help
(cat "It is strongly recommended to install the Registration-Utility. After you have registered, you can of course delete it...")
(set #wrong-kick
(cat "\nSorry, this package needs at least\n"
"Kickstart version 2.0!\n\n"
; VARS --------------------------------------------------------------------
(set sourcePath (expandpath (pathonly @icon)))
(set ver (/ (getversion "exec.library" (resident)) 65536))
; MAIN --------------------------------------------------------------------
(complete 0)
(if (> ver 36)
; Main question -------------------------------------------------
(if (askbool (prompt #lj4b-install)
(help #lj4b-install-help)
(choices "Continue" "End Installation")
(default 1)
; Icon style ----------------------------------------------------
(set icons (askchoice (prompt #lj4b-icons)
(help #lj4b-icons-help)
(choices "original Workbench" "MagicWB")
(default 0)
; Printer driver ------------------------------------------------
(if (askbool (prompt #lj4b-driver)
(help #lj4b-driver-help)
(choices "Copy" "Skip This Part")
(default 1)
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath "Devs/Printers/LJ4Boost"))
(dest "DEVS:Printers")
(if (= icons 1)
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath "MWBIcons/LJ4Boost.info"))
(dest "DEVS:Printers")
; Preferences Editor --------------------------------------------
(complete 25)
(if (askbool (prompt #lj4b-prefs)
(help #lj4b-prefs-help)
(choices "Copy" "Skip This Part")
(default 1)
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath "Prefs/LJ4Boost"))
(dest "SYS:Prefs")
(if (= icons 1)
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath "MWBIcons/LJ4Boost-Prefs.info"))
(dest "SYS:Prefs")
(newname "LJ4Boost.info")
; Catalog files -------------------------------------------------
(complete 40)
(set catalogs (askoptions (prompt #lj4b-prefscat)
(help #lj4b-prefscat-help)
(choices "Deutsch"
(default 0)
(set n 0)
(while (set catalog (select n "deutsch"
(if (IN catalogs n)
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath (tackon "Locale/Catalogs" (tackon catalog "lj4boostprefs.catalog"))))
(dest (tackon "LOCALE:Catalogs" catalog))
(set n (+ n 1))
; Drawer --------------------------------------------------------
(complete 50)
(if (askbool (prompt #lj4b-drawer)
(help #lj4b-drawer-help)
(choices "Create" "Skip This Part")
(default 1)
(set main-dest (askdir (prompt "Please select where to create a drawer.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "SYS:Tools")
(makedir (tackon main-dest "LJ4Boost"))
(if (= icons 1)
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath "MWBIcons/Drawer.info"))
(dest main-dest)
(newname "LJ4Boost.info")
(set main-dest (tackon main-dest "LJ4Boost"))
; Documentation program -----------------------------------------
(complete 60)
(if (askbool (prompt #lj4b-doc)
(help #lj4b-doc-help)
(choices "Copy" "Skip This Part")
(default 1)
(if main-dest
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath "LJ4Boost.guide"))
(dest main-dest)
(if (= icons 1)
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath "MWBIcons/LJ4Boost.guide.info"))
(dest main-dest)
(set this-dest (askdir (prompt "Please select a place for the documentation.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "SYS:Tools")
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath "LJ4Boost.guide"))
(dest this-dest)
(if (= icons 1)
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath "MWBIcons/LJ4Boost.guide.info"))
(dest this-dest)
; Registration Tool ---------------------------------------------
(complete 75)
(if (askbool (prompt #lj4b-register)
(help #lj4b-register-help)
(choices "Copy" "Skip This Part")
(default 1)
(if main-dest
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath "LJ4Boost-Register"))
(dest main-dest)
(if (= icons 1)
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath "MWBIcons/LJ4Boost-Register.info"))
(dest main-dest)
(set this-dest (askdir (prompt "Please select a place for the registration utility.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default this-dest)
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath "LJ4Boost-Register"))
(dest this-dest)
(if (= icons 1)
(Copyfiles (source (tackon sourcePath "MWBIcons/LJ4Boost-Register.info"))
(dest this-dest)
(complete 99)
(abort #wrong-kick)
(set @default-dest "DEVS:Printers")